Asia Law Portal, a forum for discussion of news, information and opportunity in the Asia-Pacific Legal Markets, published an article entitled “30 people to watch in the business of law in Asia in 2019” written by John Grimley on December 30, 2018.
We are pleased to announce that our very own founder, Jonathan Wong, made it to the list. This was based on the trends and suggestions of Asia Law Portal readers.
Here’s a snippet of the article:
22. Jonathan Wong – Founder, Law Guide Singapore – As Wong details: “LawGuide Singapore is Singapore’s fastest-growing and most-followed online legal information portal and platform in terms of social media reach and engagement…[with a] mission to give consumers easier access to basic law-related information to help them make better decisions and ultimately to help provide greater access to justice – through
– Asia Law Portalweb , digital content, social media and Singapore’s first AI legal chatbot” [emphasis added]
From your LawGuide Singapore family, Congratulations Jonathan!
You may read the full article here: 30 people to watch in the business of law in Asia in 2019